Castel del Monte in Abruzzo

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Article by Baldassarri Giuseppe Alberto Content marketing specialist for travel in Castel del Monte in Abruzzo, from The Province of L'Aquila in Abruzzo.

Visit the Province of L'Aquila and Review the Itinerary to discover the attractions, local food, and wine specialties to taste, how to get there, and where to stay. How many days must the itinerary last?

The Province of L'Aquila in Abruzzo, Italy, offers a variety of attractions, delicious local cuisine, and beautiful landscapes to explore. Here's a suggested itinerary for visiting the Province of L'Aquila:

Day 1: Arrive in L'Aquila

- Start your journey by arriving in the city of L'Aquila, the capital of the province. The most convenient way to reach L'Aquila is by flying into Rome and then taking a train or driving to L'Aquila.

- Check into your accommodation in L'Aquila. There are various options available, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, and guesthouses.

Day 2: Explore L'Aquila and Local Cuisine

- Spend the day exploring the historic city of L'Aquila, which is known for its Renaissance architecture and rich history.

- Visit attractions such as the Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio, the Fontana delle 99 Cannelle, and the Forte Spagnolo.

- Sample local Abruzzese cuisine, which includes dishes like arrosticini (grilled lamb skewers), pasta alla chitarra, and confetti (sugar-coated almonds).

Day 3: Campo Imperatore and Gran Sasso National Park

- Take a day trip to Campo Imperatore, a stunning plateau located in Gran Sasso National Park. It is known as "Little Tibet" due to its resemblance to the Tibetan landscape.

- Enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and explore the alpine meadows.

- Visit the Rifugio Duca degli Abruzzi, a mountain lodge, and enjoy a delicious meal while taking in the breathtaking scenery.

Day 4: Sulmona and Roccaraso

- Visit the charming town of Sulmona, famous for its production of confetti. Explore the historic center, visit the Sulmona Cathedral, and stroll along the Corso Ovidio.

- Taste traditional confetti made with almonds and sugar.

- Continue to the nearby town of Roccaraso, a popular ski resort. Enjoy outdoor activities like skiing, snowboarding, or hiking (depending on the season).

Day 5: Abruzzo National Park

- Explore Abruzzo National Park, one of Italy's oldest and most renowned national parks.

- Take a hike through the park's diverse landscapes, including forests, mountains, and pristine lakes.

- Keep an eye out for wildlife, such as wolves, bears, and chamois.

Day 6: Scanno and Lake Scanno

- Visit the picturesque village of Scanno, known for its traditional houses and narrow streets.

- Explore the historic center and visit the Church of Santa Maria della Valle.

- Enjoy the beauty of Lake Scanno, located nearby. Take a leisurely walk around the lake or rent a boat to explore its crystal-clear waters.

Day 7: Departure

- On your final day, you can either spend some additional time exploring L'Aquila or visit other towns and attractions in the province before departing.

- Depending on your travel plans, you can either head back to your original destination or continue your journey to other destinations in Italy.

The suggested itinerary for visiting the Province of L'Aquila allows for approximately 6-7 days. This duration provides enough time to explore the main attractions, enjoy the local cuisine, and experience the natural beauty of the region. However, you can adjust the itinerary based on your preferences and available time.

When it comes to accommodations, L'Aquila offers a range of options including hotels, bed and breakfasts, and guesthouses. Additionally, you can find charming accommodations in smaller towns like Sulmona and Scanno.

Please note that it's always a good idea to check for the latest opening hours of attractions, availability of tours, and any travel advisories before your trip. Enjoy your visit to the Province of L'Aquila and the beautiful region of Abruzzo! 

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