Petritoli the Three Arches

Petritoli the Three Arches

Petritoli the Three Arches Photo By: Baldassarri Giuseppe Copyright, License Own work, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Petritoli the Three Arches

Porta Petrania - Tre Archi - in
Petritoli, Province of Fermo, in Italy, Marche, 63848, Largo Giacomo Leopardi, Petritoli the Three Arches Ancient Petrania gate built in the first half of the fifteenth century with the aim of reinforcing the slightly more backward fourteenth-century gate. The new door, part of a quadrilateral, was equipped with a drawbridge, had only one entrance and the wall was set between two cylindrical towers All four sides were equipped with battlements both inside and outside. The Three Arches were built in 1872 to give light and air to the internal square by breaking down the original wall. Made in neo-Gothic style, the Three Arches have a purely decorative function and the number three is not accidental. From the outside of the Three Arches, you can see all three Petrania doors that have followed one another over the centuries. The first, on the top right, above the Mannocchi palace, was built around the middle of the XIIth century, the second, on the left of the same palace, in the XIVth century and the third ... the Three Arches.
Italian, English.




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Photographer: Baldassarri Giuseppe

Copyright: Baldassarri Giuseppe Travel Planner

Credit: Italy Things To Do .it ☀️ Sustainable Travel