Slow tourism
Ipse dixit: The sense of beauty and the spirit that enlivens every place inhabited by man as guides for a fuller and more meaningful existence. Places have a soul. Our job is to find out. Exactly as it happens for the human person. "James Hillman".
Pictures and words. Two elements that are part of our life every day. They mark important moments, sensations already lived, imbued with memories or still to be lived and therefore awaiting their evolution. A photograph remains impressed. Report an event, once tied to a person.
The themes are:
Landscapes: in Italy. What is the landscape like in Italy? Italy is a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. Its most prominent feature is its boot-like shape kicking the island of Sicily. Much of Italy is covered by mountains. The Dolomite mountains which extend across northern Italy are part of the Alps mountain range. Last shots and stories for landscapes in Italy, continue here.
Cult: Italian culture is steeped in the arts, family, architecture, music, and food. Home of the Roman Empire and a major center of the Renaissance, culture on the Italian peninsula has flourished for centuries. Italy is considered the birthplace of Western civilization and a cultural superpower Italy has been the starting point of phenomena of international impact such as the Magna Graecia, the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church, the Romanesque, the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, the Baroque, the Neo-classicism, the Risorgimento and the European integration. Last shots and stories for Culture, continue here.
Lifestyles: What is the Italian style made of? High fashion and design, good food and, in general, the “dolce vita”: uniting all this, after all, is particular attention to detail. From coffee at the bar in the morning to the elegant lines of an Italian desk lamp, every detail - is taken care of in the right times and ways - can become a little pleasure or a piece of art. Everything in life should be a bit like that: beautiful to look at, easy to use, wonderful to live. Last shots and stories for Lifestyles in Italy, continue here.
Wanderlust: The time of the Roman Empire the Genius Loci was linked to the territory, to the city, or even to a grove or spring. In the modern world, the genius loci is that quality, that indefinable but very clear spirit that distinguishes a place. The feeling, upon entering a place, can be felt vividly as a sort of distinctive mark of that place. «A place is never just that place. We are a little bit of that place. Somehow, without knowing it, we carried it inside ... and one day by chance we got there. "Written by (Antonio Tabucchi). Last shots and stories for Wanderlust, continue here.
The night: is an immense source of lights, attention, and colors, the characteristic and unrepeatable aspects not to be missed. Capturing abstract subjects and light trails and reflections of light, capturing the color and magic of the sky at dusk, photos about half an hour after sunset and the sky will acquire a splendid shade of blue. Last shots and stories for Night, continue here.
Slow tourism ✹❂✹ 📷 © By Baldassarri Giuseppe