Genius Loci

The sense of beauty and the spirit that enlivens every place inhabited by man as guides for a fuller and more meaningful existence. Places have a soul. Our job is to find out. Exactly as it happens for the human person. " (James Hillman - The Soul of Places).
"What does it mean that places have a soul?" Have you ever had that feeling, upon entering a place (a city, a museum, a landscape), of being able to feel vividly as a sort of distinctive mark of that place, specific psychic energy characterizing that particular place? The ancient Romans, this energy, called it Genius Loci (the genius of the place).
  • Last shots and stories for The Soul of Places in Italy, continue here.

Grottammare Alta The Soul of Places Photo and Copyright By Baldassarri Giuseppe Travel is the traveler in Italy
Grottammare Alta, Grottammare, Province of Ascoli Piceno, AP, Marches, Italy

The Soul of Places Travel is the traveler in Italy




How to use my images

Photographer: Baldassarri Giuseppe

Copyright: Baldassarri Giuseppe Travel Planner

Credit: Italy Things To Do .it ☀️ Sustainable Travel