Opening onto the landscape

Landscape at Grottammare Alta Copyright All rights reserved © By travelers from Italy Photo by Baldassarri Giuseppe
Grottammare Alta Tarpato
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Piazza Peretti, 63066, Grottammare Alta, Grottammare, Riviera delle Palme, Province of Ascoli Piceno,  AP, Marches, Italy.
I travel in Italy. I introduce you to Grottammare Alta at the "Tarpato" passing by via Patriarca and turning into the alley Torrione, you reach an opening on the landscape, a large balcony overlooking the sea named after the "Tarpato", an art name of the local painter Giacomo Pomili. From here it is possible to climb above the Torrione della Battaglia (XVI century) which, recently renovated, houses inside the Museum dedicated to the sculptor Pericle Fazzini, author of the famous "Resurrection" in the Sala delle Udienze in the Vatican. 




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Photographer: Baldassarri Giuseppe

Copyright: Baldassarri Giuseppe Travel Planner

Credit: Italy Things To Do .it ☀️ Sustainable Travel